Monday, April 03, 2006

Tom Delay Quits Re-Election Bid

I'd say Fare Thee Well, Tom Delay, but I don't really want you to have a happy retirement. If it were up to me then you'd spend the last week of your life on the run with a pack of wild dogs chasing you down and, eventually, tearing your throat out. On live television.

But that's just a fantasy, we'll take your quitting and your pending indictment and call it good, for now.

Sources: DeLay to leave House re-election race

And just to show that the partisan assholery you were such a star in taking part in won't die without your baleful leadership, here's a snippet from a Redstate site in response to this "tragic" news.
This is horrible
By: realamerican

Look, I'll be honest. I don't care if DeLay broke a few laws. He was good for our side, and I'd rather have a corrupt Republican than an honest Democrat (not that there is such a thing).

But by dropping out, he might as well put on a T-shirt saying, "Yes, I AM guilty!" This will paint the entire Republican Party in a bad light, and put our majority in real jeopardy. The honorable thing for him to do would have been to resign before the primary. By waiting until now, he makes it look as though Earle or someone has something really damaging on him. Even if he's innocent, he looks incredibly guilty.

This is bad. Just really, really bad. Truthfully, I think we just lost the House.

Note, he doesn't care that Delay was a corrupt fuck. He was his corrupt fuck. And that really says an awful lot about the mentality of his supporters. And that's pretty damned sickening.

Good riddance to bad filth.
Tags: is a , his bid will turn into an .

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