Joe Lieberman is a stain on the tapestry of American politics. Sure, he's one of many but he's a stain nonetheless.
He's a turncoat Democrat who is much more aligned with the GOP powerbosses than he is with his own party or his constituents (remember them, Joe? they are the people who's interests you are supposed to be representing).
That he parrots GOP talking points and denounces any criticisms against Bush during a time of war (that was begun on false pretenses but let's not play the blame game, okay?) is just more grist for the mill. Chinless Joe is about as worthless an elected representative as there can be. His focus is himself, his interest is himself, his passion is, well, completely gone and he's just a lame old hack trying to dance on a sinking ship.
Duncan Black writes about him more eloquently in this Op-Ed piece for the LA Times.
The elections can't come soon enough so that Chinless Joe can be tossed aside like the used rubber that he is.
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