Thursday, October 05, 2006

Dutch Pedophiles Fail to Get Enough Signatures

Dutch pedophile party lacks support for vote bid. They needed 570 signatures to get on the ballot and fell short, which says something good about the Dutch, I think.

What did the Dutch Pedophile Party want?
- To cut the age of consent from 16 to 12 because we all know that a 12 year old is fully capable of making up their mind about having sex. NOT!
- Legalizing child pornography because child pron actually helps safeguard more kids against predation by giving them something to fixate on. NOT!
- Legalize sex with animals because
some animals are just dying to be sexed up by horny Dutchmen. NOT!

I'm all for tolerance and trying to see the good in people's intentions and actions. But a political party of pedophiles and beastials is just a bad idea from the getgo. Just like a party of beastiality fetishists or a party of people who get turned on by women squishing bugs with their feet (believe me, they are out there, I've accidentally stumbled across their pron sites).

Now if we could only do something about our own pedophilic representatives. Oh wait, that's right, Mark Foley's in rehab for alcoholism and behavioral abnormalities. Which was all caused by his being molested by a priest like 40 years ago and its only coming to light now because, well, he's accused of preying on some teen pages. Which, by the way, is incredibly lame of him. I even heard Drudge blaming the pages for Foley's attempted predation. And then O'Reilly, that smear on the sphincter of humanity, "accidentally" mislabeled Foley twice as a Florida Democrat on his show. Nice try, dinkus, he's not our sick pup, he's yours and you can keep him.

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