Thursday, September 25, 2008

Lawmakers to McCain: Thanks but No Thanks

Lawmakers Would Prefer McCain Butt Out Of Their Bailout Negotiations

House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank (D-MA), who is one of the chief negotiators of the bailout proposal, derided McCain’s “late entry into the negotiations“:
“McCain is Andy Kaufman in his Mighty Mouse costume - ‘Here I Come to Save the Day,’” Frank said as he left a Thursday morning caucus meeting with House Democrats, saying the Republican presidential candidate’s decision to enter the mix “is not helpful.”

“He hasn’t been involved,” Frank said. “He doesn’t know anything about it.”
But that won't stop him from waxing on and on about it. Nor will it stop him from suspending his runaway freight train of a campaign to deal with this current crisis.

John McCain wants to back out of the debates because of the crisis (and because it'll delay his outing as a do-nothing legislator with a long, long history of voting in perfect lockstep with his party and George Bush). He would rather weasel his way into the White House than actually win it by debating policy.

John McCain isn't the solution, he is the continuation of the problem we've been toiling under for the last eight years and look where it has gotten us?

McCain wants to suspend his campaign to "help" out on the economic crisis despite his admissions to having almost no credibility to begin (reading Greenspan's book to learn about it is a first step, heeding Greenspan's advice on the current crisis would be a better step).

The McCain campaign is concerned with smoke and mirrors not an open and honest debate on the issues. Electing McCain/Palin will do nothing but continue the problems we've already been dealing with. We need real solutions, not obfuscation and the same policies we've got now repackaged anew.

Obama has a real plan, he has a vision for a better America. Voting for McCain is a vote to continue our downward spiral. Let's lift America back up, let's vote Obama

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