Friday, September 26, 2008

So This is What He Meant by Help?

Rep. Blunt: McCain ‘stopped a deal’ from happening
I do think that John McCain was very helpful in what he did. I saw him this morning, we’ve been talking with his staff. Clearly, yesterday, his position in that discussion yesterday was one that stopped a deal from, uh, finalizing that no House Republican, in my view, would’ve been for. Which means it probably wouldn’t have passed the House.
So, by saying he was urgently needed in Washington and by suspending parts of his campaign, John McCain "helped" the process by stopping it altogether? Wow, that's the sort of leadership we really don't need, misguided economic derailments by uninformed election poll laggers. Solid work, John-boy, now get your drum ready for tonight's debate where I'm sure you'll tout your POW experiences again and that's why you're the better candidate. Or not.

The Smoke and Mirrors Express appears to enjoy going around in rather large hypocritical circles.

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