Tuesday, October 07, 2008

UnPresidented: Press Conferences are for Suckers

Palin will sit for two more Fox News interviews; campaign scoffs at idea of a press conference with, you know, actual journalists on the payroll of media companies and not virtual extensions of the Republican Party.

I'm sure the soft ball interviews will be rehearsed and scripted and Palin won't be asked any tough questions like what newspapers she reads or any other Supreme Court cases aside from Roe v. Wade.

That Sarah Palin has yet to hold a real press conference and has no plans to is shameful and does nothing but diminish the institution of our electoral process.

They are keeping her under wraps because the GOP knows that she's crazy and a really awful choice for VP. And she wants MORE power for the Vice President?

Sarah Palin is a sham in a skirt.

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