Sunday, July 23, 2006

Chinless Joe Becomes Chinless and Friendless Joe

One of Chinless Joe Lieberman's long-time friends and colleagues, Irving Stolberg, has revealed that he will not be supporting his pal of 38 years in the next election. In fact, he will be voting for Ned Lamont, Chinless Joe's opponent.

His reasons? Well, let's hear it from him.
His blind support of the Iraq war, begun illegally and a continuing catastrophe, is monstrous.

And his defense of an incompetent president, a vice president who fits the dictionary definition of fascism and an extremist administration that has perpetrated torture, illegal eavesdropping and a general shredding of the Constitution is insulting to the people who elected him in the first place.

Good on ya, Irving. Nice to see a mote of integrity from a public official. The only thing left to do is watch Chinless Joe go all Zell Miller on us. That'll be good for a laugh, a sort of hollow and pitying kind of laugh.

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