Tuesday, January 03, 2006

What Percent Are You?

I am:
"You're a complete liberal, utterly without a trace of Republicanism. Your strength is as the strength of ten because your heart is pure. (You hope.)"

Are You A Republican?

Not really any surprise that I'm very much a non-Republican guy. The current Republican regime isn't especially Republican either so much as they are attempting to force a totalitarian martial society on the US while proclaiming to be fighting for our right to be free. What a mountainous and steaming pile of shit that is. If you think Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, et. al. give the first damn about your rights as an American then you are sadly, sadly, mistaken. Nothing this administration has done has been, in any way, geared to making you or me more free. Possibly more alive but even that's debatable as the War on Terror has been one hell of a great recruitment tool for people who hate the US and all it stands for.

So, thanks for that, Georgie. You can go now. Just take your cronies and bobbleheaded yes-fools with you.

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