Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Hindsight is The Bitch

Kerry Would Defeat Bush in New U.S. Election: Angus Reid Consultants

The question asked:
Regardless of how you may have voted in the presidential election in November 2004, knowing what you know today, would you vote for George W. Bush or John Kerry if the presidential election was being held today?

John Kerry (D): 47%

George W. Bush (R): 40%

Someone else: 6%

Would not vote: 4%

Don’t know: 3%

Source: Bloomberg / Los Angeles Times
Methodology: Telephone interviews with 1,357 American adults, conducted from Apr. 8 to Apr. 11, 2006. Margin of error is 3 per cent.

Yeah, keep in mind that ShrubCo's running approval rating is now down to 32% in some quarters. He is approaching Nixon territory, be careful, he's gonna invade.......something or someone. And then posture around about it afterwards.

I just hope we can get this buffoon out of office before he realizes he can nucularize anyone he wants.

And I'd like, you know, schools to be funded, the government keeping Big Business in check instead of holding the door open while they loot the country. I want the environment protected, not held down so it can be raped all the more efficiently. I want our troops home, I want our national honor restored and I want to not be ashamed of my elected representatives anymore.

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