You know, there is much to be found in a name. And Tony Snow, the new White House Press Secretary and chief target of the media, has a great name for a spinmaster. Snow, to obscure behind layers of flakes. Very nice.
Tony, about as American(o) a name as could be, why? When parents couldn't afford to go with their kids to the new world, they wrote on their boys foreheads "TO: NY" which became Tony when they got here.
And you know what? I actually am appreciating his candor thus far. He makes Scottie look like the grease oozing doughboy he was, ineffectual, thoroughly icky (as in, make sure he doesn't actually touch you, ever) and pathetic. Snow is, by contrast, clear spoken, direct and, seemingly, honest. Which is a snow job obviously as its his job to redirect and misdirect the media from the current, previous and pending White House and Bush Regime scandals and misdeeds and outright criminality.
But he's the Regime's first good choice in a while. Not that a new coat of paint could even begin to gloss over the gaping holes and rot underneath but hey, points for one good play amid an ever increasing disapproval by the entire country.
I'd say good luck with that but I want BushCo to go out of business and then to be prosecuted and imprisoned for their myriad crimes.
People get worked up over Barry Bonds passing Babe Ruth in home runs in a game. Where is the outrage with our country being led by either truly incompetent dumbshits or by a thoroughl criminal syndicate bent on keeping the coffers open as long as possible to get absolutely as much as possible for as long as possible until they are caught.
How the Republicans convince people to vote against their interest is a great (if utterly depressing) trick.
Anyway, welcome aboard Tony. I'm sure I'll loathe you short order and that you'll start to sweat constantly.
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