Sunday, October 16, 2011

Political Cream via G+

Occupy Wall Street information and links from Google+ (henceforth G+).

Here's what I've learned or seen about Occupy Wall Street and what has been happening. I wish I could easily grab all of the links to the videos I've seen in other streams on G+. I am working on a way to do this through Delicious possibly.

I learned what Kettling is. An ugly way to make people into cattle.

There's a semi-live stream up at and here's Alan Grayson summarizing what's up in just about a minute:

And some other links and hits that are noteworthy:
Wall Street Loses Its Immunity
Occupy Boston: After Demonstrators’ Property Is Destroyed By Police, Commissioner Calls It ‘Trash’
Geithner: Action against Wall St. coming - Tim Mak
Occupy Wall St. Prepares for Crackdown -- Will Bloomberg Try to Tear It All Down? | Activism & Vision | AlterNet
Dear Everyone at Occupy Events - 10 Rules for Dealing with the Police

And, finally, some bitchin' iPhone magic tricks.

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