If you are reading this then you are part of the 99% too.
I came across We Are the 99% a couple of weeks ago, just as the OccupyWallSt crowd was beginning to plan and mass.
It is all too easy to glaze over when you hear statistics about joblessness, foreclosures and a general downward spiral across the nation. It is another thing altogether to look into the faces of these people who are barely hanging on or have lost their grip altogether and have been cast adrift.
These are Americans being shoved downward by the Republicans and the corporations who have bought and paid for them.
Let's be clear, America is no longer being ruled by the People, America is under the control of Big Corporations. They have bought our democracy and are gang banging it out behind the shed. But even the most willing victim eventually realizes that this isn't sex, this is rape, this is not wanted, this is not what America signed on for. This is not what America is and should be.
America is being taken away from the people, the middle class is being smashed down into the lower class and the upper class has tripled their holdings in the last 25 years. The top 1% controls more than 50% of the wealth in America. The bottom 50% has less than .5% of stocks on the market. The numbers go on and on and on.
The reality is that America is not theirs to take and do with what they want.