Wednesday, July 12, 2006

The Army Spits Out Halliburton's Fetid Teat

US Army to end Halliburton deal. Now let's see how badly they have been overcharging for their services in Iraq, I've heard they charged $300 for a single meal for a soldier.

And in other news, Dubya is crowing about only adding $300 billion to his deficit, not the $420 or so that he'd been planning on spending. And he's going to pretend like he's doing a great job despite the massively fucked up everything he's presided over.

"Let's not boast about a $300 billion deficit," said Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev. "Any statistic you look at recognizes the rich in America are getting richer, the poor are getting poorer and the middle class is getting squeezed."

But even the conservative Heritage Foundation thinks this is all bullshit. With a $246 billion revenue increase slightly outpacing a $224 billion spending increase in 2006 alone, 100 percent of the $22 billion deficit reduction has resulted from taxpayers sending more money to Washington. Lawmakers have not cut one dollar from the budget. and There is no way revenues can cover all of this projected spending. Lawmakers therefore must remain vigilant on spending. They should focus on pursuing long-term entitlement reform and creating a budget process compatible with spending restraint.

Notwithstanding the fact that his pet war in Iraq and Hurricane Katrina relief efforts are not included in those figures even though we, the people, will still have to be paying for all of that as well. I don't get how they are legally empowered to only report part of the deficit and part of the budget. WTF? A budget includes everything being spent, not just the non-depressing parts. Think about how loud and long your credit card company would laugh if you told them you no longer considered, say, "incidentals" to be billable and you were going to ignore them on your bills from now on.

Do you know Dubya has signed every single piece of legislation put in front of him, every single one. I wonder if he even bothers to read them before signing or if he even looks at what he's signing?

And yet here he is on the news this morning, acting like he singlehandedly capture Osama bin Laden (oh wait, the CIA is no longer looking for him maybe I should change that to capture all those pesky terrorists). You don't think they estimate high so that he can get just a tiny bit of good news, even if its utterly fake and lies anyway? This is your government, this is your president, this is why the US is so maligned around the world, because our "leaders" are shameless crooks, liars and just outright morons.

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