Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Chinless Joe and the Idiot Nominee

Lieberman: ‘Thank God’ Palin won’t have to ‘be president from day one’ because she's woefully unequipped to be president, has no idea what the vice president does, hasn't been outside the country much at all, knows little to nothing about energy policy and believes she already knows everything she needs to know about everything.

In short, Sarah Palin is a dangerously unqualified candidate and John McCain's selection of her will go down as one of the (many) super-sized screw ups he's made since the campaign got going. Not the least of which was publicly swearing to not engage in negative campaigning when he's been nothing but negative for months.

McCain is going to lose, Sarah Palin will head back to Alaska (hopefully) and the nation will start to move forward and upward again after resting in the GOP muck stew for all these years.

But Joe Liebermann doesn't care about any of that, he's sore because McCain wasn't allowed to select him as his running mate which would have completed his transformation to the dark side and he would have gotten that totally evil red light saber he's wanted for years.

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