Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Lie, Lie and Lie Some More, Sarah

Media Rip Palin For Lying About Troopergate Report, But Campaign Keeps Lying

Did you see Sarah Palin excuse herself from the judgment of her unethical conduct? Yes, she has decided that, despite a clear paragraph concluding that she did, in fact and deed, abuse her power as Governor in the Troopergate scandal, she has decided that the report exonerates (I'm guessing she doesn't even know what the word means) her.

The reality is that Sarah Palin was and is an atrocious choice for McCain's running mate. It is becoming appallingly clear that she's a dimwit obsessive small-minded bitch with a chip on her shoulder and a grudge to bear.

Keep lying, Sarah, keep spreading your message of hate, keep being the anchor that's helping to drag your party to the very bottom. Thanks for making the election almost laughable.

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