Friday, June 18, 2010

'Tis Nobler to be a Moron Than a Republican Apologist

Conservative Pundits Rush To Defend Barton, Praise Him As Courageous

Yes, because someone's got to come to the rescue of a multi-billion dollar company doing almost nothing to put a stop to the environmental catastrophe they created by blindly checking off safety inspections.

How anyone can defend BP without massive financial incentives is incredible to me. Of course, most of these "representatives" are being compensated by Big Oil. Or they are total asshats. Or both.

If the people who elected these jackasses cannot clearly see that their reps don't give a fig about them by their words then there really is little hope for those sheeple.

How anyone can pay attention to the shit Newt Gingrich continually spews without pointing at him and laughing is beyond me. The guy wouldn't know an honest opinion if it started banging his daughter on the dining room table during Christmas dinner.

The entire Republican defense of BP is like a huge flashing neon sign demonstrating so clearly how little the GOP gives a damn about its base. They care about the big money from Big Oil, Big Pharma, Big Lumber, Big Insurance and any other industry with deep pockets they can reach into and donate massive amounts of cash to get their people elected to shill for them.

America: The best false Democracy lobbying money can buy. Disgusting.

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