Tuesday, November 04, 2008

I Call Bull Dookie

I just saw this ad for the Yes on 8 haters on one of my motorcycle blogs I read. Here's the thing, Barack Obama has publicly stated he is against Prop 8 to repeal same-sex marriage. This ad, in fact the entire Yes on 8 campaign, is predicated on lies, fear and religious zealotry.

Same-sex marriage does not threaten traditional marriage. In fact, it strengthens it by not discriminating against people.

The smear campaign by the Yes on 8 people has been pretty scummy with the lies about children being forced to learn about it in public schools and then refuting the commercial featuring the superintendent of schools in California saying it absolutely has nothing to do with school curriculums. And now this ad that implies both John McCain and Barack Obama support Yes on 8.

Which is a clear and undeniable lie.

Even if I felt strongly against same-sex marriage, I don't think I'd be able to support the Yes on 8 group. If your message isn't strong enough to pass without the lies and smears then it shouldn't be passed. But they've gone so far over the line that they can't even see it in their rear view mirrors anymore. Like my old Scottish soccer coach used to say, "If you have to cheat to win, lads, then you've already lost."

Heck, even Steve Young (a direct descendant of Brigham Young and Hall of Fame quarterback) is voting No on 8 in direct contradiction with the Mormon church and he and his wife have donated $50k to the cause. But why am I not surprised that Jeff "Redneck" Kent has donated $15k to the Yes on 8.

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