Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Rats Gnawing on a Powerless Bone(head)

Its kind of sad and sort of awesome to watch how the Republicans are lining up to turn on their former leader, the now ex-President George Bush.

The latest is Senate Minority leader Mitch McConnell: Bush was a ‘burden’ on my party.

Don't feel to bad, Mitch, he was a terrible burden on this nation and the world as well. But it sure is nice to see how quickly you turn on your own.

That and the blatantly racist idiotspeak coming out of some of your so-called pundits.

Barack Obama's been our President for a week and he's already done more to win my confidence and respect than George Bush did in eight stolen years.

Enjoy your marginality, Republican Party. The nation is moving on without you and your divisive rhetoric.

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