Friday, February 13, 2009

Two-Thirds of Americans Support Investigations

Jack Reed: ‘I don’t think we should be afraid’ of investigating Bush crimes. Neither do I. The people that are calling it a waste of time seem to not understand the message sweeping ShrubCo's myriad crimes, lies and misdeeds under the rug sends.

Bush lied and we are mired in a swamp of a war in the middle east, the terrorists have grown in number, power and reach and the reality is that we are far less safe than we were on 9/10/2001.

His position on torture, his inability to listen to far smarter advisers, his cowboy mentality, his photo-op presidency has left this nation in a very, very precarious place. He needs to be made to pay for his crimes like any other citizen.

George Bush is an accused war criminal and needs to be treated as such. By not prosecuting him, his actions are being implicitly condoned by the United States of America.

I apply the same lens to his actions as to my own. If I'd done what he has done then I'd expect to be in prison, he should be no different.

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